Self Care Tips for People Pleasers

  People pleasers are often the worst at taking good care of themselves. We spend a great deal of our energy and time making sure everyone else is happy and healthy and our own needs get pushed to the bottom of the pile. If this sounds like you, then read on to find out what…


The one thing you must understand in order to manifest anything

Whether you use prayer, visualization, ritual, or altered states to manifest your desires, you will have more success if you understand this key factor. There is one thing that all spiritual practices have in common. Understanding this will transform your life and allow you to manifest anything. It doesn’t matter what your spiritual beliefs are; whether…

law of attraction

How Ambivalence Affects the Law of Attraction

If you have tried using the law of attraction and it has not worked for you, it might be because you are sending ambivalent or contradictory energies out into the universe. Read on to find out how to create some clarity and attract what you really want. We may think that we are very clear…

feeling stuck in life

25 Things to do When You are Feeling Stuck in Life

We all get stuck in a rut from time to time. Everything just seems dull and boring, or worse we feel anxious or depressed. Dwelling on the feelings sometimes just makes them worse, so try taking one of the following actions next time you are feeling stuck in life. Feeling like you are stuck in life…


6 Ways to Make Your Intuition Work for You

In today’s rational world, we often ignore our intuition and turn outside ourselves for guidance. However, our inner source of knowledge often understands much more than we think. When we learn to follow its guidance we can transform our lives in amazing ways. In our current culture, rationality is king. We have become wary of…