Out of your head–into your body

Sometimes, we treat our precious bodies as if they were merely vehicles to carry our brains around. The busy ‘monkey’ mind cares little if the body is tired and unwell or is being stressed too far. It presses the body to carry on regardless, often resulting in exhaustion and depletion. It gives little attention to…


Why it can be hard to stay happy and positive? 

If you want to remain happy and positive, you need to be careful what you feed your brain. There’s a phrase in computer technology that says: ‘Garbage in. Garbage out,’ meaning that if you feed a computer incorrect information, the resulting output will be incorrect also. The brain does a similar thing. Your thoughts and emotions are…

5 ways to Feel Better this Winter

When winter drags on its easy to feel a bit low and despondent. But there are things we can do to feel better at this time of year. Try one of these activities to boost your mood at the end of winter I’ve done all the things I look forward to about winter. Sitting by…


Three Ways to be Happy in the Moment

Often we think that our circumstances need to change for us to be happy. However, there are three simple strategies that can help us to be happier right now. Our feelings are usually caused by our thinking. When we think something is negative, we feel upsetting emotions. Often, our thinking is not in the present…

secret meaning

Good Things Journal

Most of us have heard of the benefits of writing a Gratitude Journal. If you haven’t, I strongly suggest starting one. You simply write down three things, every day, that you are grateful for. I’ve found it to be the single most important step I have taken to improve my state of mind and to…

Overcoming Fear

To be unafraid we need to examine where our fears come from. Nearly all of our fears can be divided into two categories Fear of not having enough Fear of not being enough These fears are often socially constructed by those who want us to behave in certain ways.  For example, the fear of being not…

Three Wishes Exercise

Have you every heard the advice, ‘follow your dreams,’ or ‘do what you love,’ and given a big sigh. Have you wondered what your dreams are? What is it that you love? What is your purpose on this earth? Finding the answers to these questions might be easier than you think. Try this quick exercise…