How to Build a Structure that Supports Your Creativity



Do you have a dream you long to achieve? Are you putting your creativity on hold until you have more time? If so, read on.

Many of us would like to be more creative – but we don’t seem to manage it. We feel like we simply must do something – but somehow we never start. Making time for creativity always gets pushed to the bottom of the to-do list. Does that sound like you?

It may seem that being creative is not an essential part of life, that it can be put on the back-burner until we have more time, but it can’t. Humans beings are naturally creative, as you can see whenever you watch a child play! It is part of what makes us human. Denying it can cause resentment, depression, anxiety and illness.

The benefits of creating a structure to support our creativity include:

  • increased self-esteem
  • less stress and anxiety
  • improved mood
  • improved concentration and ability to get in the flow
  • a sense of meaning and purpose in our lives

Unfortunately, despite our best intentions it can be really hard to build a creative life. But it is worth it because our soul needs to be creative. Here are five things that get in the way of our creativity and some tips to overcome them.

What gets in the way of creativity

Lack of Time for Creativity

Most of us have rather hectic lives. There are a lot of people depending on us and a lot of tasks to get done each day. Finding the time to be creative can seem impossible. However, if we run around meeting other people’s needs all day, eventually we get resentful and angry, our relationships begin to falter and we may even get sick.

How to fix this

Being more creative doesn’t necessarily take a lot of time, but it does need some consistent input. Take a good look at your schedule and see where you can find the time for the creative work that is important to you. This could be ten minutes a day or an afternoon each week. The key is to make a plan and stick to it.

Lack of Space for Creativity

If your dream is to be a painter or a potter, you may find it hard to physically find the space to do your work. In a house that may already be crammed with the necessities of family life, it can be hard to squeeze your own creative needs in.

How to fix this

You don’t necessarily need to have a whole room to be creative. Perhaps all that is required is a box of materials that you spread on the kitchen table when it is time to do your creative work. Having a specific space to work in can help us achieve more creative work though. One reason for this is that if everything is ready for us to use it takes less mental energy to get started. Another reason is that this place begins to cue your mind into the right frame of mind for creativity. This means you are ready to get creative the minute you enter your space.

So, see if you can find a small space in your home that is exclusively yours for your creative work. Perhaps you could adapt a cupboard or wardrobe or work in a shed. At least create a box or bag with your creative materials so that everything is on hand for your creative time.


The physical restrictions on our creativity may be hard to overcome but this is nothing when compared to the mental blocks we come across. Self-sabotage is a huge factor in how successful we are at creating. We sabotage our attempts to create something different in life because we are afraid of change. Often, it seems easier to stick to the rather painful known than risk the unknown. We may fear failure or success. In addition, we may fear the judgement of others or their envy. We may fear a thousand things that force us back into our comfort zone rather than take a leap of faith into the unknown.

How to fix this

When you find yourself sabotaging your creative life, I would suggest starting with microtasks. If you want to write a novel, start with a sentence. If you want to plant a garden, dig a one-metre square patch of earth. Make sure this microtask is actually creative though, buying a new notebook, paintbrush or garden trowel doesn’t count.

Self Doubt

A second mental block we may come across is self-doubt. We begin a work: a painting, a cake, a novel, a garden – and after a few hours, or chapters we lose heart. We doubt our ability to create anything worthwhile and we throw in the towel before we have hardly begun.

How to fix this

There are several ways to overcome the issue of self-doubt. The first is to try to see our creative work as play rather than work. When we view it as a chance to relax, recharge and have fun, we are less caught up in the result and more able to enjoy the process.

The second way to overcome self-doubt is by using every ounce of willpower we have to stick to our plan. If we stick consistently to our routine we will begin to see improvements in our work and this will encourage us further. This is another great reason to plan small blocks of time or create microtasks. It is easier to achieve these tiny tasks and this boosts our confidence so we can continue to build our creative life.

Lack of Support

Although we are often our own worst enemies when it comes to building a creative life there is also a lot of pressure from those around us. Other people may also fear that we may change and desperately want us to stay the same. Other people may feel that we are neglecting them or neglecting important duties like earning more money, spending time with family or doing household chores.

How to fix this

We were not put on this earth only to serve others! We all deserve a portion of time to do what lights us up. Eventually, others will come to see the benefits because we will be happier, more patient, calm and loving. And if they don’t – well that’s their problem!



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